Monday, June 20, 2011

Having fun with Montessori

It is almost time for me to go back to work at a Montessori school. At first I had mixed feelings about it. I absolutely love my job. In fact, I don't really call it work because I am loving what I do. I just do not want to leave Noah right now (or in 3 months time when the first day of school happens).
I have been thinking a lot lately about school and I am getting very excited about going back. I am looking online for different ideas for my classroom and love reading about what other teacher's are doing in their classrooms. I have come across an excellent website that I find myself looking at everyday. They have a ton of useful information and lots of fun materials to browse through. I can't wait to get out the laminater and start making new materials for my class. It is going to be a fun year for us all.
Noah and I attended my school's Family Fun day over the weekend and when the owner announced to the parents that I will be returning in September, they all cheered about my return. It was so nice to know that I am appreciated and wanted back :) One father said to me how glad and excited he was because now his son will be better behaved once I return to the classroom.
In closing, I have kept you in suspense long enough regarding the best Montessori website EVER! :) Please visit I promise you will not be disappointed!

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